Thursday, June 17, 2010


I've made it stateside!  I'm here in the airport now with only a couple more hours to kill before I head to Portland.  How exciting.  I still have stamina and things are going well so far.  I just wanted to share some of my initial observations on returning to the homeland even though the inside of an international airport is not quite the full America experience.  Here are just some notes:

- It's been really hard for me to fight the urge to greet every black person I see in Swahili.
- It's interesting seeing gay and lesbian people again.
- I just ate at Sbarro and almost cried because it was so delicious after this long time.
- Readjusting to much different dress standards for women is... umm... well...
- On that note, there are basically naked women on the front of every magazine cover.
- US coins seem really foreign to me.  I found some on the floor, picked them up and was mesmerized for at least 5 minutes.  However, I can still probably beat you at quarters.
- I am appreciating being back to anonymous white guy status
- Though I think I also have sketchy status too which is fun but may explain why people won't talk to me
- Or maybe people just don't talk to strangers as much here as what I'm used to.
- Oh yeah, and fat people.

Just some quick notes from here in NYC.  All is well.


A. Pam said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, nothing more on the transition back yet? Are you waiting for me to write my entry? I'm glad that you're back in the USSR (or is that US of A?).
Love, DAD