Monday, December 28, 2009

I still don't know if this is cool to do or not, but I noticed Maddy's been posting photos, so check them out:

Also, I think my computer is at risk of breaking down which would be a very very bad thing.  Let's hope this doesn't happen.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Scott, I don't know if it's the smartest thing to wait and read weeks' worth of postings all at once, but at least it gives me an understanding of the rhythym of your experiences. I think you've hit the nail on the head as far as wrestling with the nature of our "privilege" of being western whities, but as you correctly noted, we are all products of circumstance. We don't choose the world we're born into, but merely try to understand it, and attempt to change it if the notion strikes. Regardless of how you're feeling right now, and whether or not you stick it out for the entire duration of the schoolyear, I think you'll look back on all of this with little regret. You're lucky to occasionally feel miserable. Kind of like snowboarding. If you don't fall on your ass once in a while, you're probably not pushing the envelope hard enough. So enjoy the tumbles, stay healthy and safe, and know that you hold a special place in our lives. Keep on pushing, even when life pushes back. Let us know how your New Year festivities turn out. Love, Dave